Introduction: Situations of domestic violence result in a variety of consequences and physical, psychological and relational damage and, in the most serious cases, may lead to temporary or permanent incapacitation of the victim or even death. The Maria da Penha Law provides for the creation of mechanisms to curb domestic and family violence against women; it also deals with the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and the Inter-American Convention to Prevent, Punish and Eradicate Violence against Women. It also provides for the creation of Courts for Domestic and Family Violence against Women and promotes changes to the Penal Code and the Criminal Execution law regarding the punishment of violence against women.
Objective: Identify and understand the factors that influence the victim's decision-making in reporting acts of domestic violence. Specifically, the aim is to verify knowledge of the resources available to victims of domestic violence, as well as to analyze whether such resources influence the victim's decision to report the aggressor. Method: Basic qualitative research was carried out, with the participation of 12 women who identified themselves as victims of domestic violence. A semi-structured interview was used as a collection technique and categorical analysis was carried out to process the data. Results: Of those interviewed, four women did not report the aggressor, one of these left homes and preferred not to report it. Those who reported it did so for different reasons, such as betrayal, aggression in the presence of children, fear of losing their children, among others. Conclusions. The factors highlighted are related to financial and emotional dependence and discredit in justice.
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