
Idalina Gomes https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2974-0734

Filipa Silvestre https://orcid.org/0009-0000-1898-9345

Daniela Cruz https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0716-410X

Isabel Almeida https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5706-8514


Introduction: A specialist nurse in the elderly is fundamental in the systematic monitoring of the health of the elderly population (EP). The development of a structured Nursing Consultation (NC) for the elderly that allows a multidimensional assessment to identify the main Geriatric Syndromes (GS) is essential, therefore the Health Care Center X (USFX) integrated in the Nursing Centers project “Age-Friendly Education and Health Institutions”, in partnership with ESEL, developed a project with the objective of implementing a NC guide for the multidimensional evaluation of EP in a summarized way, based on what is recommended by the WHO to identify the real problems/needs of the EP, to prevent GS and to promote active and healthy aging. Methods: Research-action-training in five phases: diagnosis of the situation, planning, implementation, evaluation, and disclosure of results. Data collection instruments: consultation guide to structure nursing interventions. To create it, interviews were carried out with the nurses and content analysis made, in addition to information sharing actions and discussion based on the literature. In the implementation of the NC, the participants were aged 65 or over, enrolled for consultation at the USFX, without cognitive impairment or communication deficit, after informed consent. 48 face-to-face NC specialist were carried out. This project obtained the positive opinion of the Ethics Commission nº 157/CES/INV/2019. Results: The guide used at the NC specialized in elderly was developed based on a theoretical model of nursing to promote of Care-of-the-Self (Gomes, 2021) and recommended by the WHO (2008). Through the use of the script in the NC it was possible to identify that 8% of the older people had memory deficit; 25% risk of falling; 10% had a decrease in functional capacity; 23% depression; 19% frailty syndrome; 6% urinary incontinence; 4% anorexia and 27% of older people evaluated had more than one associated GS. Conclusion: The research-action-training methodology contributed to promote reflection on the importance of carrying out the systematized NC and for the construction of a script that directs the nurse's intervention, supported by a Model, which becomes an effective strategy in the early identification and assessment of the main GS in a short time and encourages the promotion of Care-of-the-Self.


Empirical Articles

How to Cite

Idalina Gomes, Filipa Silvestre, Daniela Cruz, & Isabel Almeida. (2023). IMPLEMENTATION OF THE SPECIALIZED NURSING CONSULTATION FOR THE ELDERLY FOR THE MULTIDIMENSIONAL EVALUATION IN A SUMMARIZED WAY FOR THE PREVENTION OF GERIATRIC SYNDROMES. New Trends in Qualitative Research, 19, e882. https://doi.org/10.36367/ntqr.19.2023.e882

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