
Débora Castro

Sílvia Fernandes https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1699-5415


This work aims to analyze sustainability in 5-star hotels in Algarve, determining how they communicate their sustainable behavior on their websites, what are the most adopted practices and the main motivators/obstacles. Hotel websites and booking engines were analyzed. And a questionnaire was used to gather information about their sustainable practices. It is possible to notice a bit of sustainable communication on the sites of these hotels. This percentage is higher in the Booking.com engine, a more competitive channel. The main areas of intervention are energy management, water/waste management and social responsibility. Most of the implemented practices are the least expensive. And the main drivers are environmental responsibility, strategic vision and efficiency gains. Although the main obstacle referred to is the investment cost, the lack of qualified personnel and technical issues are other constraints. The “weakest” dimension of the sustainability triad is social (with lower results). And the most limiting to develop the area is the economic one, due to the perception of associated costs. The growth of new businesses and jobs in the area, as well as the use of standardized reporting and certification, could overcome the barriers.


Empirical Articles

How to Cite

Débora Castro, & Sílvia Fernandes. (2023). SUSTAINABLE HOSPITALITY IN THE ALGARVE REGION: AN ANALYSIS OF THE DEGREE OF COMMITMENT. New Trends in Qualitative Research, 19, e847. https://doi.org/10.36367/ntqr.19.2023.e847

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