In the Andean world, community life is one of the most important cultural manifestations, where gratitude -within their cosmovision- is an ancestral practice called "ayni", this expresses several connotations, one of them is the "good living" or "allin kawsay" that were instilled from within the family, such is the case of the students of the National University of Altiplano Puno, who still practice these traditions. The aim of the study is to analyze gratitude towards the family as an expression of the good life of university students in the Peruvian Andes. The research is based on a qualitative approach, phenomenological and ethnographic methods, with a non-experimental cross-sectional design. 339 semi-structured interviews were conducted with students from the provinces of UNA-Puno. The qualitative data reduction model was applied (editing, categorization and coding, registration and tabulation), allowing to obtain different versions, testimonies and opinions of gratitude of university students towards their families. It is concluded that gratitude - as a philosophy of good living - is rooted in the importance of living as a family; not disappointing their parents is a motivation to move forward in recognition of the sacrifice and effort they receive for providing them with better life opportunities; that even in spite of their mistakes they receive unconditional support, which is why they express their admiration and gratitude, not only to their parents but to their entire family (brothers, grandparents, uncles and aunts, uncles and even godparents). Finally, the fact of finishing their higher education to become good professionals is an act of reciprocity towards their loved ones and community.
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