Objective: To understand the everyday situations that trigger psychological distress in adolescent students from the outskirts of the city. Methods: Qualitative research, in the action research aspect. Conducted in a public elementary and high school in the city of São Paulo, Brazil. Data collection was through workshops and talking maps. The qualitative data analysis software WebQDA was used. Analysis was based on the intersectionality approach. Results: Thirty-nine adolescents aged 14 to 17 participated, 18 females and 21 males. Of these, 21 declared themselves brown, eight black, eight white, one indigenous and one yellow. Three thematic categories emerged related to their situations that lead to psychological distress: racial discrimination - being black is having a mark of inequality; gender relations - women occupy an inferior position to men; prejudice and depreciation in relation to sexual orientation; and family conflicts - the family is described as a social locus of protection and conflict. Conclusions: Everyday situations that trigger psychological distress in adolescent students are defined by social markers of difference. Social markers of race/color, social class, gender, and place of residence are present in the themes discussed, positioning adolescents in the social hierarchy. However, when these hierarchies are strained, both at home and in society, adolescents suffer psychologically. Intersectional analysis, in dialogue with the theory of social determination of the health-mental illness process, made it possible to understand the health inequities that accentuate psychological distress, rejecting the notion that it arises from a single social marker of difference.
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